spinonweb just acknowledges certain credit and debit cards. By purchasing any service from spinonweb, you concur that the payment card related with your account will be automatically re-charged according to the terms of your subscription.
On the off chance that you cancel inside 30 days of beginning sign-up, you will get a full refund of expenses paid. In the event that you have a yearly or biennial subscription and cancel following 30 days of beginning sign-up or renewal, you will get a pro-rated refund of charges paid. You won't be qualified for any refund on the off chance that you have a yearly or biennial membership and you drop after 90 days. You won't be qualified for any refund in the event that you have a month to month subscription.
Accounts won't be actuated or reactivated except if you give advance payment and complete and precise registration data.
All renewal charges are expected at the very latest to the date your subscription terminates. In the event that spinonweb can't process a payment by its due date, spinonweb may promptly suspend your account by incapacitating service features until the point that payment is effectively processed.